Kagami Biraki, the traditional Japanese ceremony of „opening the mirror,“ is observed in many martial arts as a symbolic beginning of a new year and an opportunity to reflect on the past period. For the Seishin Budo Kai community, this day is particularly significant, as it often serves as a platform for awarding Dan technical grades, recognizing exceptional skills, diligence, and dedication to the path of martial arts.
Promotion to a Dan grade is not just about obtaining a new belt. It is a recognition of years of effort, a deep understanding of the techniques and principles of the given style, and above all, embodying the spirit of martial arts. In Jujutsu and Aikijutsu, where emphasis is placed on efficiency, fluidity, and harmony, achieving a Dan grade is a demonstration of true mastery. It is not just about mastering physical techniques, but also about understanding the mental and ethical aspects that are inextricably linked to martial arts.
The Prestige and Value of Awarding a Dan Grade
Earning a black belt and higher Dan grades in Jujutsu and Aikijutsu is associated with great prestige. This is not an award given lightly. It is preceded by years of hard work, continuous improvement, and self-discipline. Each Dan grade represents a milestone on the warrior’s path, symbolizing a deeper understanding of the art.
The value of this award lies not only in recognizing technical proficiency but also in the moral qualities the adept demonstrates. Martial arts are not only about fighting, but also about developing character, respect for others, and constantly striving for self-improvement. The awarding of a Dan grade is thus confirmation that the individual not only masters the techniques but also lives in accordance with the principles of the given art.
- Shihan René Garcia, 7th Dan – Jujutsu
- Shihan René Garcia, 5th Dan – Aikijutsu
- Shidōin David Maňur, 3th Dan – Kenjutsu
- Fukushidōin Barbora Hlavová
Tokoshie no mei: Expanding the Ranks of Masters
Within SBK, we deeply value the masters whose actions have significantly influenced the direction and level of martial arts within our ranks. They not only passed on their technical skills, but above all, they shaped the characters of their students, spread ethical principles, and tirelessly worked on developing teaching methodologies. Their dedication, diligence, and selflessness serve as a constant inspiration to us. We call this legacy Tokoshie no mei, and we are proud to announce the addition of two significant figures to our list of teachers.
- Shihan Ivan Šnajdar, i.m.
- Shihan Lubomír Polák, i.m.
Kagami Biraki is therefore not only a celebration of a new beginning, but also an opportunity to recognize contributions to the development of martial arts. Promotion to a Dan grade is an honor for every teacher and master and symbolizes their dedication to the path of continuous improvement. Recognizing those who have contributed to the development of martial arts within Tokoshie no mei underscores our commitment to preserving and passing on the traditional values of martial arts to future generations.
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